Where am I Now?

Reminiscing and Looking Back...

I created this blog for the sole purpose of giving myself an incentive to work towards reaching and hopefully exceeding my entry requirements for my then chosen university: Queen Mary University of London. I had applied to study straight English at QMUL; however, this is not the university I am at currently.

I hope this blog is able to help to provide you with some revision notes, unfortunately I never published my english essays as I wrote them by hand in order to practice time management and exam technique, but I hope the philosophy and ethics model essays come in handy.

My A Level Results were a bizarre mix, but I am proud to say that whilst I was predicted AAB, I exceeded and instead managed to achieve two A*s, gaining full UMS marks in my English exam and near full marks in my philosophy, needless to say my Biology was slightly weaker. Oh dear...

But that did not stop me from being able to go through the adjustment process, and I am proud to say I am undergraduate student in London at Kings College London. Remember, that if you work hard and do your best to push yourself to the limits, even if it involves shouting to your friends that you're going to be living as a nun for your A Levels. Sometimes things can wait, because life is dull if you do not work towards a goal of bettering yourself.


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